This post was originally featured on the Pristine blog.
The past few weeks have been all about building and investing in Pristine's future across virtually every dimension of the business: talent, work environment, sales infrastructure, marketing, PR, and capital. The pistons are firing:
We were accepted into the Capital Factory (CF) Incubator program, the most prestigious incubator in Austin. We're right in the heart of downtown, on the 16th floor of the Omni Hotel at 7th and Brazos, just one block from Dirty 6th. The CF team has been incredible to work with. I need to send a big shout out to Josh Baer, Gordon Daugherty, and the rest of the CF management team.
We've raised $350,000. The remaining $100,000 has been a bit slow, primarily because we've been looking for the right angels. We're about to finalize some very strategic angels to close out the round. I've also started planting seeds for our series A. As I've said before, this is a gold rush business, so we need to raise as much money as possible as soon as possible. With a couple of weeks of pilot data, I'm going to be making the rounds to raise a hefty series A. That means I'm going to spend virtually all of October and November begging for money.
I've been telling folks that raising money was easier than I thought it was going to be, and that hiring was more difficult than I thought it was going to be. After pouring through more than 3,000 LinkedIn, AngelList, and GitHub profiles and calling over 100 engineers, we've assembled the technical team that's going to make this happen. Our internal technical team is comprised of 4 engineers: Patrick Kolencherry (CTO), Mark Troutfetter (VP Engineering), Arik Yaacob (Sr. Technology Architect), and Rahul Behera (Mobile Developer). I'm especially proud to welcome Rahul aboard: he was smart enough to leave the University of Texas to work at a startup. That takes courage, and tells us that he's going to do whatever it takes to kick ass. If you throw yourself out there, you'll find a soft landing.
Additionally, we've hired 2 outsourced developers. In total, we have 6 engineers working more than full time. We're also very close to bringing aboard a Director of Sales, who'll be instrumental in closing our first customers in October and November while I'm on the road raising capital, and an Active Chairman. Although the core team is assembled, we will hire any rockstars that believe in our mission. There're always talented folks out there looking to work on incredible projects, and we'd love the opportunity to work with them if this is something they'd like to be a part of. If you know anyone that would want to be part of Pristine, please don't hesitate to hand out my email address.
We also updated our website. Check it out. Thanks to Bryant Peng for putting in the leg work to make this happen.
I continue to live life as a road warrior. I went to San Fransisco and New York for investor and partner meetings, Las Vegas for SXSW to network, and I just got back from a visit in Atlanta where I gave a presentation to an executive team of a major healthcare IT company. Surprisingly, I don't have too many more travel plans until the end of September (Health 2.0 + GlazedCon in SF), though I suspect I'll end up traveling over the next few weeks as new things come up.
Looking forward, the next month is all about execution, as we prepare for our first pilot site to start using Glass in the OR with live patients in September. The single greatest barrier remaining is lack of Glass. We have 3 units, and we have a few more coming, but we could use as many units as we can get our hands on. If you know anyone that would be willing to loan a Glass unit to a hospital to try to save lives, please let us know. It would mean the world to us. Unfortunately, Google hasn't been particularly accommodating.
Save the date: October 16th. We were officially invited to launch on stage in front of the world's premier VCs and media outlets at the DEMO conference in Santa Clara. I'll be on stage demoing our products live, and DEMO will live stream everything. I'll send out details as we get closer to the launch at DEMO.
And of course, I continue to blog religiously. The past few weeks have been the most prolific writing weeks of my life. Since I take care of most of my writing at 38,000 feet and because I've been flying so much, I've had the chance to do a lot of writing. Enjoy.
The Power of Connectivity
Battle of the App Stores: Athena vs Greenway
Computers are Eating Healthcare
Follow the (Clinical Trials) Money
There will Two Kinds of People in the World...
HIStalk Interviews
Paris Wallace, Founder, CEO, Ovuline
Joe Reinardy, Founder, CEO, CenterX
Josh Stein, Founder, CEO, AdhereTech
My Blog
Answering the Existential Startup Question
I'm a Professional Beggar, Storyteller, and Fortune Teller
Your Margin is my Opportunity
Is Glass a G+ or a Wave?
Engineers are King
Scorch the Earth
Blogging and Signalling
The Genius of the Glass Explorer Program
Selling a Dream
A Day in the Life of a Startup CEO
Understanding the ACO Pioneers Successes and Failures
Glass <3 FDA + HIPAA
Explaining the 17% Meaningful Use Dropout Rate
PS, our Oculus Rift arrived. We'll have videos of that and of our offices at CF in the next issue of the Pristine Story.
Kyle, and the Pristine team